Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Many people ask me what I use when i paint. There are a couple of things i use, however the paint i use the  most is Belon Molotow and montana 94. I have tried montana hardcore because it is cheap but i just cant get along with it. Have you guys ever tried Ironlak, it looks alright and is very cheap??

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Some of my favourite art

Graffiti Supplies and Art: My first post!

Graffiti Supplies and Art: My first post!: "I decided to start up this blog as was getting fed up with trying to find graffiti supplies for less money as i myself never seem to have an..."

My first post!

I decided to start up this blog as was getting fed up with trying to find graffiti supplies for less money as i myself never seem to have any money and so the cheaper i can get anything the better in my view.

Some of the websites which caught my eye was chrome and black http://chromeandblack.com/index.php?main_page=inde  Most of their stuff seems cheap and their delivery is quick from past experience as well as being base in london, seems to be a winner in my mind.

Another great website a have used a couple of times is www.thelayup.com, quick and cheap yet again.

They also have good art there for purchase so if your interested in that as well i would check it out!